Girls’ / Boy’s Routines
Level One Run and straight jump off beat board to land on mat.
Level Two Run and straight jump off beat board onto 30cm box, Immediate straight jump off to land on mat.
Level Three Run and straight jump off beat board to 60cm box, facing long ways. Step to end of box. Straight jump off to land on mats.
Girls’ / Boys’ Routines * New routines 2019
Level One Tuck hang with knees close to chest. 2 second hold.
One small swing in tuck, release at rear. Jump to front support with straight arms (box may be used). 2 second hold. Circle forward down to straight body.
Level Two L hang. 2 second hold. Circle up to front support.
Cast and return to bar.
Circle forward down to tuck hang
Level Three Two small swings in tuck, release at rear.
L hang. 2 second hold
Circle up to front support.
Cast and return to bar.
Circle forward down to L hang
Girls’ Routines
Level One Step onto beam off box near beam height.
Stork stand (balance on one leg with free leg bent at side, foot to knee). 2 second hold.
High kick on each leg.
2 forward passé steps (toe to knee, step forward).
Walk to end of beam with pointed toes.
Straight jump up off beam to land on mats.
Level Two Jump to front support. Lift straight leg to straddle sit on beam. Present.
With hands on beam, bend /swing legs behind and push up to knee scale. Step forwards to stand.
2 steps on toes.
2 forward passé steps (toe to knee, step forward).
Two foot ½ turn on toes.
2 backwards toe then heel steps.
Straight jump.
Two foot ¼ turn on toes. Star jump up off beam to land on mats.
Level Three Jump to 1-foot squat (other leg stretching towards floor).
With hands on beam ¼ turn. Bring other foot to squat then stand. Present.
Step with small swing of leg forwards and backwards. Step, repeat on other leg.
2 steps on toes.
Two-foot ½ turn on toes.
2 backwards steps on toes.
Step hop with bent leg.
Two-foot ¼ turn on toes. Two side steps. ½ turn jump up off beam to land on mats.